Dr BATIONO Bouma Fernand
Maître de conférences, Socio-Anthropologue et spécialiste en santé et protection sociale
Unité de Formation et Recherche en Sciences Humaines,
Université Joseph KI-ZERBO de Ouagadougou,
Burkina Faso
Since 2015, Associate Professor, Socio-Anthropologist and specialist in health and social protection, University Joseph Ki-Zerbo
PhD, Social Change and Development, 1993, University of Science and Technology, Lille, France
Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA), General and Applied Anthropology, Health Option, 1989, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
UD Arts and Communication, 1989, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
Master, Sociology, 1988, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
Previous Positions
Since 2018 Director of UFR / SH, University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Burkina Faso
2016-2018 Deputy Director of UFR / SH, University Ouaga 1 Prof. Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Burkina Faso
Research Focus
geographic: Burkina Faso, Africa
thematic: Medical anthropology, Public health
Awards, Functions, Service to the Academy
2006-2009 Research Grant PASSAGE (“Solidarity Approach Project to GEnesic Health”, EuropeAid Funding / 120804 / C / G / Multi “2006-2009)
2014-2016 Research Grant VIH/SIDA-PROJECT ANRS 12316 (2014-2016)
Since 2019 Co-director of the West African Interdisciplinary Journal
Member of the Group of Multidisciplinary Studies Vulnerabilities and Contemporary Societies (GEP / VS)
Member of the Research Network on the Economy of Punishment and Prison in Africa (ECOPPAF)
Publications (Selected)
- Bationo, Bouma Fernand. “Negotiating Ethics in the Context of HIV in Burkina Faso: Between Mistrust and Trust”, in: IREA Paper N ° 10.
- Bouma Fernand Bationo, Ouattara Fatoumata, Marc-Eric Gruénais. “No mother without a” husband “: The need for marriage in care facilities in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)”, in: Autrepart N ° 52, pp. 81-94
- Bationo, Bouma Fernand. “Cost-Sharing Systems in Burkina Faso: A Contribution to Access to Emergency Obstetric Care”, in: Maternal Health and Access to Care in West Africa (Pierre Fournier, Slim Haddad and Valéry Ridde (Eds) Paris, L’Harmattan, pp 143-162.
- Bouma Fernand Bationo and Lisa-Marie Ouedraogo. “Solidarity in the extension of micro health insurance – the problem of enrollment in mutual health organizations in Burkina Faso”. Handbook of Micro Health Insurance in Africa Volume 1, edited by Hans Jürgen Rösner, Gerald Leppert, Philipp Degens, Lisa-Marie Ouedraogo, Berlin, LIT VERLAG GmbH & Co. KG Wien.
- Bationo, Bouma Fernand. “Social perceptions and management of warning signs of obstetric complications among Lyela women in Burkina Faso”, in: Annales series A, PUO, Ouagadougou, pp. 317-348.