

Dr YAMEOGO Lassané

Maître de conférences, Géographe aménagiste à Université Joseph-Ki-Zerbo

Unité de Formation et Recherche en Sciences Humaines,
Université Joseph KI-ZERBO de Ouagadougou,
Burkina Faso

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Since 2017, Associate Professor, Geographer Forest Manager, University  Joseph-Ki-Zerbo, Burkina Faso

Master in Geography, 2000, University Ouaga 1 Prof. Joseph-Ki-ZErbo, Burkina Faso
Certificate of Professional Qualification for Secondary Education (CAPES), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Koudougou, Burkina Faso
PhD: Geography, 2006, University of Padova, Italy

Previous Positions

2014-2017 Head of the Department of Geography (University of Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso)
2010-2016 Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography (University of Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso)
2001-2002 Geographer-Town planner at the General Direction of Urban Planning and Housing (DGUH)
2001 History and Geography Teacher at Saponé Departmental Secondary School

Research Focus

geographic: Burkina Faso, Afrique
thematic: Geography, Country Planning, Migration

Awards, Functions, Service to the Academy

2016 Visiting Lecturer at the University of Uppsala, Sweden
Since 2015 Participation in the research program on migration and climate change in semi-arid zones (PRESA).
2015 Visiting Lecturer at the University of Milan, Italy
2012 Visiting Lecturer at the Master Stede at the University of Padova, Italy
2011 Visiting Lecturer at the Master “Territory, Heritage, Techniques and Industry TPTI” at the University of Evora, Portugal

Publications (selected)

2018. Yaméogo, Lassane. “Planning of hydraulic territorialization in Burkina Faso: from strategic hydraulics to growth poles in West Africa, questions on local development”, Rubén C. Lois-González Yamilé Pérez-Guilarte Rosa Verdugo-Matés (Eds.), Publisher Grupo ANTE (GI-1871). Santiago de Compostela.

2016. Yaméogo, Lassane. “Spatial reconstruction and resilience of the populations of Essakane facing climate and gold mining”, in: Journal Environment Sciences, n ° 13, pp. 53-80, ISSN: 1812-1403.

2016. Yaméogo, Lassane, SODORE A. “Decentralization and appropriation of local governance in the rural commune of Toussiana in Burkina Faso”, in: Journal of Geography of University Ouaga I Pr Joseph KI ZERBO, vol. 1, pp. 20-35.

2016. Yaméogo, Lassane. “From the territorial reconstructions of the reserved forest of Comoé-Léraba (Burkina Faso) to the emergence of heritage development in the periphery”, in: Dezan, No. 011, Volume 1, pp. 253-276.

2015. Yaméogo, Lassane, KABORE A., ZOUNGRANA TP. “Contribution of sacred forests to the conservation of biological diversity in Moogo (Burkina Faso), in a context of climate change”, Geographical Notes, Journal of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Society, University of Lomé. No. 3, pp. 253-274.