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A draft text, subject to evaluation, must include a title, the Name
s and NOM(s) of or authors, the institution (s) of attachment), the electr
onic address of (s) authors, the summary in French (250 words), the keywords
(five), Abstract (of the same volume), key words (same number as keywords).

The summary should synthesize the problem, the methodology and the main results.

The manuscript must respect the usual structuring of the scientific text. When it comes to a theoretical and fundamental contribution: an introduction with the justification of the theme, the Problematic; goals or objectives. The results obtained. When it comes to an article resulting from field research: an introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion and the list of references.

The articulation of the article, with the exception of the introduction, conclusion and bibliographical references, must be titled and numbered by numbers (example: 1; 1.1; 1.2; 2; 2.1; 2.2; 3; etc.). Avoid fragmenting the text too much.

The passages mentioned must be presented in Roman and in quotation marks. When the sentence quoting and the quotation exceed three lines, one must go to the line to present the quotation (single line) in Roman and recess by decreasing the font size by one point.

References to quotations are included in the text quoting according to the cases in the following way (Observe well the position of the parent
heses):- Initial (s) of the author's first name, Author's name, Year of publication, Year of publication, P
age cited)- Initial (s) of the author's first or first name, Author's name, (Year of publication, Page cited)

Historical sources, oral information references and explanatory notes are numbered in continuous series and presented at the bottom of the page.

The various elements of a reference book are presented as follows: NAME and First Name of the author, Year of publication, Title Zone, Place of publication, Publisher Zone, Pages occupied by the article in the magazine or collective work. In the title area, the title of an article is presented in Roman and in quotation marks. A book, dissertation or thesis, a report, a journal or a journal is presented in italics. In the publishing area, the publishing house (for a book), the name and number/volume of the magazine (for an article) are indicated.

In case a book is in translation and/or a reissue, it is necessary to specify after the title the name of the translator and/or the edition (e.g. 2nd ed)

The reference lists will only cover the references to the documents actually cited in the text of the article. The reference lists are presented in alphabetical order of the author's names

The volume of the draft article (text to be written in the word software, Time new novel, size 12, single line) must be 20,000 to 30,000 characters (including spaces).

Texts in French should be sent to:revuegodo

Projects for the year 2020 are expected until April 05, 2020, for number 34, and September 30, 2020 for number 35, deadline of rigor.

The assessment fee paid at the time of the article is 15,000 CFA francs and is not refundable if the item is not accepted after instruction. If the article is retained after correction, the publication fee is 30,000 CFA accompanied by the digitized version of the corrected article.

This sum entitles you to a separate draw that will be given to you at the beginning of December of the current year Thanks!

The Editorial Board

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